Files On the Diskette

The following files are on the distribution diskette:

  1. pt.exe
  2. pt.msg
  3. pt.hlp
  4. pt.ini
  5. ptcolor.ini
  6. ptexpert.ini
  7. ptdemo.c

The file pt.exe is the editor itself. The file pt.ini is also required to run the editor.

The file pt.msg contains a one line description for each command, which Point will display when the command is selected.

The file pt.hlp is an extensive help file with command summaries and detailed descriptions of all the editor commands.

The file pt.ini is the initialization file and is required because it contains the contents of the menus. Several other .ini files are provided as examples.

If you have a color monitor, copy ptcolor.ini to pt.ini, since pt.ini is set up for monochrome monitors (including black and white monitors running with the color card). The ptexpert.ini file will be described later.

The file ptdemo.c is a test file to be used with the Point tutorial.

The file contains current information that was unavailable when the Point User's Guide and the Point Reference Manual were prepared.